This is really going places, isn't it? :D Front page, flash collab... I'm so glad I joined. XD
Any way I can help with this? Additional quality work, rendering, etc.?
The finer sound designer.
Age 37, Male
Sound designer
Concordia University
Joined on 10/29/06
This is really going places, isn't it? :D Front page, flash collab... I'm so glad I joined. XD
Any way I can help with this? Additional quality work, rendering, etc.?
Nothing comes to mind at the moment, but do you do flash?
count me out of this i will
work by my self.
ohhhh noessss ronay isn't joining :'(
Nope, I don't do flash. I remember trying once... it didn't work out. XD
Haha, oh well.
I might think about animating something... we'll see.
i try to do flash but i'am not that
good i put flash on this site and i
got blam'd for it.
Yeah, I remember.
I'm totally going to try my hand at a flash. Haven't done a flash submission in SOOO long. I'm trying to DL a few songs, but my compy is retarded.
All the spots are filled...but maybe next time, eh?
I'd take Karco's part with joy. :D
You've got it!
Yeah, why not, I'll take SolusLune's music.
I think someone said something about the game a while ago, there's only 15 seconds to screw up. =P
Alrighty then!
thats when i give up on flash
because its to hard to do so i'll just
stay like you makeing audio.
Im in!
Im in!
Im in!
Yay! =D
You're in! You're in TWICE! :D
Looks like it's going good. I'll have to check it out when it's finished.
Please do :)
Actually, the blimp is just a background thing =P
This will be 3 minutes of ultimate fantastic audio/flash collaboration. :3
Sure will! Can't wait - it's gonna be the bestest evar!
Did you know: That 4 out of the 12 animators in this collab are Australian?
I thought that was a bit of a fun fact.
How many Canadians? Just me?
= happy
Damn. We totally needed ronay's awesomeness. :D ASSHOLE
wait i take that back rig your not a asshole
i fix'd eveything rig!
Loveblimp takes off, in it's own valentines day animation!!!!
<a href=""> /425041</a>
It's pretty poor quality lol. I used your "Stardust Crazy" song in it too, if that's ok? =P
5's plz! NAOW!!!! <3
FIFEND!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Electroacoustics ey?
Got a link I can clicky to listen to something representative of that type of music?
I googled but got alot of mumbo jumbo with nothing to listen to. =D
Nice. I left a comment on the thread, saying that since you've split the song up, if I could fix up my part and send it to you, so that it's not so crap sounding.
Also, check it: <a href=""> ws/post/53946</a>
The CTSG has been front paged. One of your collabs were front paged. That counts for something, right? First front page I've been associated with. Congrats rig, a partial front page!
Yay, I'm partially there! :D
And yeah, send me a fixed part and I'll add it.