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Smorgishmorg responds:

fdagdfsfdgfgfdgfdagfdgfafagfagfdagfda g fadgfadfdagregfcdaveragdadsajfkbvdjsk l abvcfhla dksvhcflasv dkzglfavbdkascgdhsnvhmcjzkvylhjnch gzvhz.jvnb hksdjknvbmhjjnm vbxhjdfsjvnbmfhjdhvxzh,vbcxzvcbhxlzbh c xnzhjlvbxczhlvbcxzhlvbxczhlcxbzdfh zbxdvhdsvdbslhf dsh ufhsdalbdfzhvnldfbvhklzhjdvb chlzujhdfsmdfd fjdsf dhjs;fhdsn.lcvsd;fds.;lvfndk;slvndlzv cbxnm.zfzjnfvfnm,zndsjvbfzm,.vncxz,hv s dfhvcnmxzlvbnxzhjkbdfsz.dfhbzvfdz,lkf j frhjsklgnfdjkxulherufbm,zvbnfdzhvdfz,
b vfd,gbdfmklvndfklzgfdjklbvnfklzdsjkfh d sklfhdsklhfdsjklfhdsjklhfdjklsahfdjks l vnbckhjlzn refzsklvnblsdvnfdmlzvbndfzlvfbdmvfb zhlvdbnkvhjdflzvdbhlvjsdzbvdflzbvyuif b ghlhvdfklashudsabfldfvlfbvldbvlfdbhla v bfldbvfhlabvflbshjlvfbdhjlavndjklhfrb e vldfahsdbfvlguhdfnvbhruesdjkfjvdaslde f bhlkdfblsdhvbglvfgdbahlfbdaldfhadlhdf v bldsboobiesbvhjsdbvdhjlasbvdfhjlabdvj l asvbdlabvdjlsabvsdfjlavbdaspvhdawufeh j klwnfduls;bnjlv;zxcidfhlrgvxbjklcdfhj d ffnlvdfbvfzldfblbfdalvbfdlavfbdakhdfb s alvfblncvsdfbgdlcn vf;d vjsdvnfsdnfdsagnvslgfsfgnsgfbwienerdj ,
.asnfdksnj,lbnfks.;bvfnds;bfnl;bfsbvf n dks;vbfnxksl;vfbndjklvfbdlvfbdhzsbfdl s vbflsbvflsbflbfbnvfdslvbnfdkslbnfdklj b ndflsbnfdslbnfdklbfkljbfndjklcvbn zxklf hldkzasjnvfdklsbn fdlshvbnfdlsvbnfdlsbnvfdlsbvnfdhlsbfh d klsjbvfndhlasreiofdnsalejwuworuewoure w oueroweowruiuweriooeuiwroeuiwriuoweru i oweriuojsdfjsdfkljklsdfjkldsjdsfjklsd f jlsdfjklsdfmxcnzmxcvn,nm,xcvnm,cvxnm,
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h cjbsdmavfdhjlsv basd ghm,dfghsdvb aylchvbhgylfeusdjhugfrirtghyrtghyrttu t ututututututdsjfkhzvbldbfjsdklabucds ahjklvdbysnaefhjd yfbldhsjbvsdfhlabvfdhlvbdfhjkcd mndvfbhdjksnvjjkfdhbcvfsdhvncjludfhcb n ldbvcnhjladb,adkhjxczndhsgsdgsdfhjsdf h jkdfrhjgrdefhjkdfgshjhsdfgjhgjksdfhgk d fshgyudfghkdfghkdfghkhkdfgjghjkdfhkgj d fkghcfghkdfjvhjkdbasdiwuqodhwiewuifah i efgwrtyeuioqufvsdghjln sdfghul vnhbhjdflgdfbnhjasdvhakvbghyfradhjklv b fdhjlbgvfhjldvbldfsbvgldfbgfrjudvgfrj h abfhdjalvfbghjalbfjlabcvjl hluahcvnl hjkfuajdffnuilrgrwejncvkufdhsaklfnerh w lafjelnkdfzsahfjdbnlakfgbhdsfabgfsdag f ldreufilqrnuiwehfguirwehgryueqhgyrpeq g riqegrlqifgerhuipfgeruiqfheiupqfdhjqu k prghnepqgjfrqegporughefjlgpghriopaqfh d savjf9oerhfvbyoduigrefjvnhfgrtueifjkm n ghurtirelhufe8pwo9arwiru8ghio0i9i9uo0 i u0987654323456789sjkdfndhlskgbsdhjafg j r,asgfdkasbvfdshjkabvsdfhkabvfhajvgbf d ahgvfbsdhajlvbgfsdhjalvbfjasdhlvbfsdh j lavbfdhjavbdfhmjvbfjlabvfjlavbfhjabvf j ahbfdhjsalfbsdhjafashjdvfbahjdvfbhjal v ndcuaifnwejfhuipncdlmzhbdvznxjlhufvgj k lvnbheruahlfjkdmnvjghrddvnfdhkgrdkvnb f hdrskmvndhjrdjkfndghewjnswieurierutyu r itgyuruitgyuruitgytughytughyurtughyjf n hvjfgbhgjbhgjhfjghjhjjkkllklklkjlkjal k skds?

Freaking awesome.

A great example of audio and storyline really completing the entire thing.


TF2 parodies don't get better than this.

Also I find it funny that the same guy did the voice for both Spy and Pyro, lol

Recent Game Reviews

25 Game Reviews

Ok why not

You are a gigantic bastard who likes to run from mufflers

Great original gameplay!

I played through the whole thing in one sitting. Very well done, great puzzles, but the sound effects got kinda annoying and the whole thing was too short. But still, great job on the concept.

Took me a while...

...but I finally beat the damn game. It was a real bitch to complete before you added the lives and checkpoints. But yeah, good job otherwise. Great art as usual.

I must say, I like the extra stuff you added for people who got all the medals. :D

Recent Audio Reviews

113 Audio Reviews

I am up on this.

Father-of-Death responds:


Spoken word and stuff

Excellent production values going on here, as usual. Good job on that, but during the main verse the vocals felt buried under everything else that was going on. That formant synth/sample was especially distracting.

I think this would be close to perfect if you pulled things back a bit. :D

Recent Art Reviews

8 Art Reviews


I want to write a song about this.

Hahaha, Etienne.

Looks good, though not as good as your Timmy pic (probably because this one has a gay frenchman blocking the entire page, lol). But I dunno...something looks askew to me. Don't know what it is. Someone else might. :P

CosmicDeath responds:

Yeah, it might be because it is less realistic. I wanted to try and make it more interesting with high contrast colours. Will do better next time! Thanks


Wow, amazing! I saw this in someone's favourites and I was like "is that...Timmy? It IS Timmy!" Great job, great skills!

Once I'm rich and famous, I'll hire you to paint a huge portrait of myself which will subsequently be hung on a wall right behind my mahogany desk in my office/mansion.

The finer sound designer.

JP Neufeld @Rig

Age 37, Male

Sound designer

Concordia University


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