I've been hired as a Resident Assistant at my university (Concordia, woot), meaning that I live in the dorms and help out the other residents, arrange activities, enforce the rules and whatnot. Like SNIPER said, "dude, you're a real-life mod, lolollololol" as he drank himself into a stupor.
The rest of the RAs and I have been doing training for the past week and are getting ready for the rest of the students. They'll be moving in over the upcoming weekend, with the bulk of them coming on Saturday. Preparations would be a whole lot easier if:
1) there wasn't so much training, and
2) the contractors had finished their jobs when they were supposed to.
All of the residences were supposed to get renovations over the summer. Apparently, contractors don't know how to schedule, or they just hate universities, but a lot of them are now two months late. The TV guy cancelled the day before he was supposed to come in and install new TV mounts, meaning that another RA and I are having to spend precious time installing the mounts and setting up the TVs ourselves. The counters in the common rooms aren't replaced yet, so we'll have to shut them down one at a time when the contractors get off their asses and do the work they were supposed to have done by now.
If you're going to be a contractor when you grow up, be unique. Be different. GET YOUR JOBS DONE ON TIME.
*watches as Rig fails to find the "ban" button IRL.*
But seriously, enjoy flaunting your power over others, lord it over them at every possible moment, and when the room temperature increases by 15 degrees just from the heat coming off all residents because they hate you, you'll know that you've done a good job. TV? No TV 4 u!
Also, I'll take away their bathroom privilages.