My landlord charges $15 per month to use a crappy internet connection. There's at least ten of us living in the house, so that's 150 bucks a month total, 50 of which will go towards the monthly bill and 100 left in his pocket. I found out today that there's a 100 GB cap on this account, which has been surpassed. This connection's slow on the best of days, and now it's nearly at a standstill since our cheap landlord doesn't want to spend the rest of that 100 bucks on a BETTER CONNECTION.
As you may have heard, I'm a very active internet user and this is unacceptable. I have projects to study for and submit via the internet.
Screw you, landlord. Screw you, Bell, for putting a cap on in the first place and for charging extraordinary prices for lackluster service, while our friends in Asian nations enjoy cheap and speedy connections.
Maybe I'll move to Taiwan.
Timelines, you say? Click here for UK arson info.
^ posted for benefit of those who don't know how to click the "all news posts" link. HI GUISE WELCOME TO NEWGROUNDS ^_____^
Taiwan eh? (mmmmmmm.......Aids)
That's bullshit, Bell is a terrible provider anyway. That's why I switched to AT&T. Have you ever considered just moving out?
That would be silly since I just moved in.