Some company here in Winnipeg had a "bring your old computers & TVs here to get disposed of" event, and they filled up a 53' trailer. They then sent it over to my work at closing time (3 hours late) and expect me to get it empty by the weekend.
4200 cubic feet of computers, monitors, and TVs, just thrown in there. I'm not even set up to take e-waste yet - I was planning on getting everything ready for it tomorrow or next week. My entire day was ruined with frantic efforts at getting the warehouse cleared out for all this, then they show up 3 hours late...
My work's sending me to Saskatchewan next week to pick up hazardous waste from schools around the province. Wanna hang out?
Another Man's trash is another Man's treasure. You should try to find some time to scrounge for goodies.
Found a tube amp last year :D