I'm Rig.
So update your many links to my profile accordingly.
The finer sound designer.
Age 37, Male
Sound designer
Concordia University
Joined on 10/29/06
Posted by Rig - December 12th, 2007
I'm Rig.
So update your many links to my profile accordingly.
but now I don't know your trade. You could very well be some kind of person who doesn't spend time with audio, and therefore you are no longer in my book of things that are acceptable.
I bid adieu!
How correct you are. I could be an imposter...and you'll never know.
You PHAIL AT LIfe! >:(
You misspelled "fail". You really should watch out for that in the future.
Three letters? Well, that's hardly a name at all...
What about G9?
lol milkman, family guy reference.
lol indeed
Why must you change your name? Sigh..
Cause that's the name I wanted when I signed up.
How the fuck did you change it?!
I asked Tom.
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Try clicking on your news page. Guess whose news page it is? RigAUDIO's, that's who! Not Rig, RigAudio.
I guess your friends the admins forgot to change that =P
Can't ditch your name that easily...
What? It works for me...you mean the little orange box that says "news"?
Yeah, it works. But under your header directly next to your profile pic, the title is RigAudio's news, and at the top on your browser it also says RigAudio's news, even though it's just rig.newgrounds...
Hey, you're right! lol @ the glitch.
DUDE get on AIM more... My buddy needs dat walking sound :'(
Yeah, he does! Tell him that I was studying for exams all weekend and I just moved home for Christmas. I'll give it to him soon.
I just noticed today, i was thinking "wasnt he rigaudio"?
I was.
Everything I thought I knew is now skewed...I must go caress the corner now...
Why caress the corner when I'm right here?
rule 10
Why have you changed your name, man?
It's the one I wanted before I signed up - I tried to get it changed months ago, but I never got a response.
whoa rig, watch out the good tom giveth but he also taketh.
He hasn't taketh yet...but I'll be on my guard. D:
I was wondering what the hell happened.
Now you know. Thanks again, Tom!