Here's a list of all the songs ronay, my very own creepy teenage unsolicited stalker, has made about me. Let me know if I miss anything.
EDIT - All the songs got deleted.
mcls SHIT mouth < he has a penis! - original beat
mcls now here < you know rig? - original beat
mcl is in the house < D: - original beat
wusikality (MCLremix) < he's like a white gangster - original beat
NGS man has something for rig < he says a bad word D:
cuts of ronay < wut?
NGS man is a hit! < FANTASIES
ngs man is back < he wants to know me more
rig in the box < contains fast food
NSG man talks < contains death threats
srroy rig i did'n mean to
this is for rig
voice acting on something?
i hate this
beat this rig
rig wins
rig is god!
i heart rig v 2.0 < VERY creepy
ronay does not fail *RIG*
ronays pod cast part1
Rig Is Not A Ass Hole Vol. 1
rig-ass hole
And now, here's a picture he made. Yes, that's me. Yes, ronay tried to make me look like mario. Yes, it's disturbing.
Oh man, what the
You seem to attract lots of guys for all sorts of reasons eh? ^__^;;
Yes, 124381 is certainly very creepy.
I seem to attract just ronay. I don't know why D: