I liked it!
I thought it would be another crappy stick figure thingie, but I was wrong. Great transitions, and great syncing with the music. But I think it could've just used more - it got kinda boring staring at the same bullet for that long. Maybe some backgrounds?
The music itself seemed, well, pretty noobish - probably took an hour in FL studio. But I guess I'm only saying this because I'm forced to listen to beginner's songs every day. :(
But anyway, you didn't write it, and it's a very good animation to go with it.
Also, in response to Hans.Yes, I agree that art is subjective, in the eye of the beholder, and should not be forced upon us. But I don't think he was labeling this flash as an example of fine art everyone should look up to - I think it's more of a message to take your time, create something different. Because you've gotta admit, this obviously took time to create...he put effort into making his "stick animation" stand out. I think it deserves some artistic credit.
But yeah, it DOES seem a bit pretentious at the end. I think that message would be better worded as just "Create something", though.
But that's just my opinion. :)