Pretty nice.
You certainly have a gift for music, but the samples bring this song down. It SOUNDS like it was made on a computer, mostly because the reverb and/or long release time on everything make the flute and strings sound washed out, blending all together, no definition. The flute doesn't take a break, when does it breathe? It's all one continuous line. Silence can be a great punctuation sometimes.
The drum loop was also washy and without variety. Put some punch into your snares, give more power to the kick.
The quiet part from 2:55 onward was, well, boring. The volume stayed the same throughout, no breaks from the flute. The strings played the same thing over and over; I think what would've worked there would be having the strings play a descending chord progression from a few octaves up to the octave it plays in now (over the duration of the whole section), so that the song feels like it's going somewhere. It would lend more power to that section for sure.
My favourite part was at 4:26, when the horns come in, though I think you could've had them at a higher octave as well.
The chord at 4:19 made me wince.
Please turn it up a bit. I had my system cranked up high.
I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything...I just think this song could be a lot better. :P