I love it - it's perfect for any lo-fi game or animation. Keep up your awesome work!
I love it - it's perfect for any lo-fi game or animation. Keep up your awesome work!
A comment!
Sounds like a solid band you have on your hands, but it suffers from poor mixing. The drums and vocals are barely audible, and it sounds like everything but the high hat is in mono. I hear no kick drum at all. Try spreading out your guitars in the mix and keeping the vocals in the center, and turn up your kick drum! Do you have a bass? If so I can't hear it. Post some lyrics, too.
Otherwise sounds like a pretty good song. Just work on those mixing skillz ;P
well the drums are brushes... suppose to be really soft. its just me and a drummer. i do have a few different mixes with vocals. its a very basic recording. drums, one main guitar, and one with licks, and vocals. nothing fancy, suppose to be really gritty haha. thanx for your comment though, ill for sure focus on those on the next few songs.
Great start, especially with all the automation you're doing to the bass and the lead. I love just fooling around with 3xOsc!
But there's no bass to speak of, the drums could be worked on (too busy, actually), and it could use some pads. Still, it's a fun little piece. :)
Yeah, it's pretty basic, and I coudn't lower the bass and keep it in G without it sounding like shit, that was a bass VSTi I used for the bass, and not 3xOsc, but the lead was 3xOsc. Yeah, I could mess with it some more, or maybe make a full song out of it, I dunno. Thanks for the review, Rig.
I'm afraid that any score I could give this song is negated by the fact that it contains a copyrighted sample. :|
Crazy shreds! :O
I always look forward to your entries in the Guitar Challenge thread. I wasn't disappointed this time - great interwoven tones and soloing!
Awesome work! I wish I could critique it more...I'm just not a guitar player. :P
Thanks man! I had fun with this backing track.
This song pwns in every way. xD
I had found that crowd sample tiring before, and now that you have it playing throughout your entire song, I'm even more tired of it. IMO, that thing should be used for specific moments in the song, otherwise it loses its power. No crowd in real life would be cheering that long that consistently. :P
Otherwise, it's an alright song. Kinda muddy because you don't have any highpass filtering on the things that need it (like the lead synth), but it's a pretty solid house song. Repetitive, predictable, and not original, but just what the doctor ordered for the standard clubber.
Not the best example of Sytrus's power
As a raw demo of Sytrus, this song doesn't do it enough justice. I could make the same sounds with 3xOsc. Get deeper into the program, man! Utilize the envelopes, all that modulation, filters, everything. It can do TONS of stuff.
As a song, yeah, it's pretty generic. But hey, you get points for the effort. :D
Theres alot more it can do. For starters though it gets the point across. You can see this as two point of views. One being you can make simple but whole sounding synthes with less effort. Two being its not very complicated, the matrix can do a ton more.
I agree with everyone including you. It's not the best demonstration if you want a good demonstration go to the FL site they have some nice demos.
Though there are synthes in the song achievable by 3XOsc the quality of that synthe is harder to reach then it is through Sytrus. Little mixing was needed to achieve most of these synthes. I just wanted to show people a fairly nice sounding song could come out of sytrus without using presets or understanding it all.
Once I understand it more I'll make a song comprised of only Sytrus, which means no samples. Thanks for your input and truthful score.
The finer sound designer.
Age 37, Male
Sound designer
Concordia University
Joined on 10/29/06